
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mistakes, Mistakes, Lots Of Mistakes

This is my mistake tree for chapter chat this week.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Read, Read, Read

I am carrying on with the reading of the cup magic, enjoy.

Say Ahhh, Open Wide

As well as the writing down below, we had to turn the sentences in black, which were the boring ones into interesting colourful sentences.
Take a look.

Sick Sentences

The bird watched the wasp. 
The bird watched the wasp like a hawk.

It had a big beak and green eyes. 
He had a substantial beak and grass eyes.

The sun shone on the bird’s feathers.
The sweltering sun fixated onto the birds shaggy feathers.

What Will Happen Next?

We went on Pobble and we got given a story starter, then we had to finish it off.
One of the challenges was to do a colon and then a list, I completed that at the end.
The purple text was the story starter, not my writing.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see it: the bird had spotted him.
Continuing to beat his wings furiously, managing to continue flying in a
straight line (despite the feeling of panic), the wasp thought about how he
could escape the situation. He had been in many close shaves before, but
none quite so close as this.
He knew the bird would strike at any moment, lunging at him with its
razor-sharp beak.
He did not want to give up on this little wasp, he had not eaten his dinner
(Squirrel) so he was very hungry, The little wasp had the most magnificent
colour of yellow that had the most attraction to see for the owl it had 100%
chance of not losing it out of his sight.
Knowing how bright its coat was, he kept moving his microscopic wings,
he was not letting go of his life from an owl. He decided to swoop among
the trees and maybe find a little hole to squeeze into, though it was risky
because to get into the hole he would have to slow down or get the right
angle without going under or over the hole to then bang his miniature head
to then be knocked out a BAM! The owl would win.
The owl who saw the wasps plan of action and chuckled knowing that he
would soon have to slow down and then He would him and then he would
be dead, he knew that this wasp would be his.

Perfect! A little hole just for him and no one else. As he kept the paste that
he was going up maybe a little faster if he could try then be in line of the
hole, then pray to the gods that he would make it.  
The owl saw the hole, he also knew what his plan was  but as he was
thinking the wasp sped up, the owl was getting tired but knew it was his
soon then he could go to sleep.
This was his perfect time. Right at this very minute!
He swooped towards it with a big smile on his face, he was almost inside
but then… He had hit the top of it, he fell suddenly, he was concussed.
Though at that very moment a hummingbird came out of nowhere and
knocked the owl out too!
So both sides basically did not get what they want, I am going to leave the
rest of the story up to you! You could ask your imagination: Did the
Humming bird eat the owl, did the Humming Bird eat the wasp, did the
Humming Bird just leave, did another character come into the story?
Just let your imagination go wild!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Because Of Winn Dixie

We have started a new book called Because Of Winn Dixie this is my activity for it.

Reading Each Week

For our reading activities we have been see a new activity which is to do a screencastify of you reading for ten minutes.
I did not realise that 10 minutes was the maximum time for a screencastify, so it is a little weird at the end.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Run, Run Run!

For the past 2 weeks we have been researching, note taking and writing about the Pouaki, which is the story that we have been focusing on for storytelling, I have quite enjoyed this story.
I have learnt a lot.

The Rapacious Bird 

This bird is just impressive, well not in a good way.
This bird could do so much destruction, hurt so many people and make lots of people so terrified.
The bird I say is called the Pouakai.

Because it was a very powerful bird and left a big mark on Aotearoa there would be lots of different names for this bird. The Maori named it the Pouakai or Hikioi meaning the old glutton.  Scientists called it Harpagornis moorei which I can't even pronounce! You may be wondering why the Pakeha did not call it anything, well that is because either they were not around or sadly they did not have a chance because even if they did survive the Pouakai, there would be no chance of even looking at it nor giving it a name!

A Pouakai is tremendously big.  The Pouakai had a wingspan of 2-3 metres wide on each side! Surprisingly, the female was actually bigger than the male.  If you do not believe me here is the proof, females weigh 14.16 and males weigh 11.5 kg.
Their claws were 9 centimeters, bigger than tigers claws!

From other birds similar to the Pouakai, scientists have predicted that the Pouakai had a colour coat of either sombre brown or brownish grey.
Scientists also have predicted that they were either living in a forest or in the mountains.
In the story that we have had read to us the Pouakai actually lived on Mount Torlesse (Mount Tawera) which is near Springfield.

These birds were quite greedy, I think.  Mainly because my research has shown that they used to eat almost everything like small children, to Takahe, Weka any small or flightless bird along those lines. Moa, yes that was their main food source! It could quite easily kill an adult Moa weighing up to around about 250kg.
Sometimes the Pouakai actually got mistaken with all of the Maori because back then the Maori wore feathered cloaks made out of birds feathers, which as you can imagine looked just like the Pouakai prey.

If you were to go to a marae and ask for a legend about the pouakai it would mainly be gruesome.
Mainly because most of the stories have people being killed.  Did you know that once they killed the Pouakai? Because it was killing people and people were obviously petrified.  So after it was killed, they would use some of its body to carve it into tools.

People now say that this rapacious,vicious bird is the largest and most frightening bird ever lived! With a bird that could take out an adult Moa, I would also be shaking with fear when I lived back then.
If want to look at its bones, you can go to Te Papa or go to a marae and get a Pouakai story told to you.

The Acrostic Poem

Here is the acrostic poem for the pouakai. It did not recognise the words but I have not made a mistake!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Significant Cultural Things In Aotearoa

It is Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori Week!
So we got given a whole lot of activities to chose from.
I chose to do a tour of the significant cultural things in Aotearoa.
I did it because last year I did one which was called Belfast to Ahipara Schools and really, really enjoyed it. Sadly you can not embed it so I had to use a link.

Click here to see the significant cultural things in Aotearoa

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Obesity Can Kill!

This week for math, instead of ordinary math we did how much sugar is in drinks.
My math is on the last few slides.

Helping People Out

Today Zara and Laisa taught me/Ariana to blog post.
I learnt how to embed a slideshow onto the blog,we also learnt how to put a picture on like this one.

Note Taking

In class we have started to work on an information report.
We are up to the stage of note taking the information and I am slowly getting onto writing it.
It is not really all pretty and perfect because ewe are meant to be doing key words so I sorry if you can not understand. Wait about until Friday and I will have posted my information report actual writing.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Food For Thought

This week we have had 3 sessions with a lady called Britany, she is from food for thought.
The first session we learnt about our everyday diet.
The second session we learnt how to read food labels.
The third we walked down to New World and we had to look for something that was everyday and something that is not.
We did that  on every isle almost.
I found the learning very interesting.

Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Mrs Wing got us into something a bit like a school kit but where we get to save our planet.
In room 14 we have two containers one for dental products like toothpaste, floss.
The other container is basically stationary like pens, pencils, twink stuff like that.
I think for the dental products once we get 1kg we will get $1 in return so if you are around Belfast please do drop by room 14 and bring that stuff with you.
Here are some pictures of the containers just to say we have just started.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mood Map

For writing as part as the story of the Pouakai we did a mood map of how we were feeling at different parts of the story.
I did this with Joshua, Ashlee H, Ryleigh and Zara
Mood Map
Key Moment                 Mood
Pouakai swooping down to pick up villages and after killing them.
Angry, terrified and surprised.
Surprised that a bird can take people away and kill it.
Villages paralised with fear.
Worried just in case they die by being so scared.
Hautere stepped up to say that he would kill the Pouakai.
Happy, nervous. Nervous because you did not know if he would make it or not. Happy because he is already a hero because he volunteered to capture it.
Hiding and getting ready.
Scared, because what if the Pouakai saw them before they were ready.
Luaring the Pouakai out of it’s nest.
Suspension and nervous because the Pouakai is quite fast.
Hautere running for his life.
Scared,anxious,mixed emotions.
Because he can swoop and because the Pouakai is fast.
Chucking spares into the Pouakai.
Disgusted by the blood.
Nervous because he could get back up and fight back.
Part 1.
The Pouakai Dead.

Part 2.
Happy because it is dead and is not killing people any more.
Excited because it is all over.
Proud because a New Zealander did a very brave thing.
The ending
Hooked by the information.
Curious by the ending.