
Friday, June 28, 2019

My Pixel Art

This is m pixel art that we did while people were doing the kiwi competitons.
It is of Mario and Peach.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

My House

Last week I designed my house using floor plan creator.
It was a little challenging at first but I soon got to know where everything was.
I hope you like it.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Go Cowclumbsy But Still Clever!

Yesterday we had the cow Olympics which is where we had to first make an activity of  what we have learnt then after morning tea we started going around to each station and testing it out.
Ryleigh and I were a a team called cowclumbsy but still clever.
Here are some cool pictures to see what we have been doing.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


In Fish In A Tree Suki gave Ally a letter A, so what we had to do is, we had to make an A.
I hope you like it.

Friday, June 7, 2019

What Did St John Teach Us

This week we had St John come in and teach us about D.R.S.A.B.
I hope you like it.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My Speech

This week I chose to write a speech and because I finished a little early I decided to do it Ally's version too.
The speech is about why she wants to be class president.
The first speech is what everyone else sees when they read, though the other I put it into how Ally would see and write it as. The reason why it is different is because she has dyslexia.
I made it into that writing by turning the b's in d's and the d' into b's, wrote it backwards and then only put the letters that you can hear clearly.
Hope you like and understand it.

My Speech

Ever had a dream, like to fly to the moon, drive a car or even be the fastest runner.
Well my dream is to be class president and here I tell you why.

I want to do things that know other class president usually does. I will be an out of the box thinker, just because I struggle in writing and reading. I am a very creative thinker, like when Mr Daniels gave us the challenge, where we had to guess what was inside the box, I was the only one the got it. He has taught a lot of children over the years, though I just got it, I do not know about you, but you can only do that if you are a creative thinker.
I am like Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison. These people all struggled in writing and reading though they persevered and were creative and people actually says they are the smartest people in the world but mainly the are the most creative.
I could be one of those people if you let me have a chance I could invent things too if you let me have chance.

If you thought about this really hard what would your class president want to be like?
Well, I know that I would want them to be honest, because there is no point saying things if you are not going to do them. For example, if you said that you wanted chocolate bars or even bigger lockers. Well how an earth am I supposed to make that happen?
I could try but it would never happen.

I would always listen to everyone's ideas, because we are all smart in different ways. I will never judge anyone just by friend groups. I will let people have a fair say on what they want.

Again, I would really like to be class president and prove to everyone that anyone can do anything, no matter how smart you are.
Thank you,

Ally Nickerson

Im Ches

Evr hd a drem, lik t fl t  mon, driv a ca evn b fastst runr.
Lw im meb s t d slc tiserp nb erh I lt u y.

I tnw t bo snith tth won rtho slc tiserp elu sob. I liw d n to f eth xd rnth, tuj sed I lgus
n nitr nb nedr. I m a erv vterc rknth, kil new rstm sleB vag s eth gnlhc, rew e bh t seg
taw sw dns eth xb, I sw the eln no tth tg t. Eh sh tat a tol f ndch  rv eth sery, o I suj tg t,
I b tn won tba u, tb u nz eln b tth f u r a vtaec rknth.
I m kil Trbl Nste, Tlw Esnb, Smth Nse. Esth lpep la bgstru n gnir dn nder oth ya dverp
dn rew vtrec dn lpep eltac sas ya r eth strasm lpep n eth drow tb elam eth r eth top vterc.
I doc d no f soth lpep f u tl m vh a cnch I dc nvi sgnth ot f u tl m vh cnch.

F u toth toba sth elr drh tw dow ru slc tiserp tnw t d kil?
Lew, I won tth I dow tnw mth t d stno, scb reth si on tnop nas sith f u r tn niog t b meth.
Rof lpx, f u das tath u dchaw taocch srb ro nve rgib skol. Lew wo n thre m I dsps t kam
tath nph?
I doc irt tb t dow rvn nph.

I bow sawls nsil to snoereve sebi, soced e r l trs n tfib saw. I lw rven jj noen sj d derf
sporg. I liw tl lpep vh a raf as n taw yth taw.

Naga, I bow eler kil t d salc tnbeserp ban  to vorp noereve ta u nac ob nithene, on rtam
wh trms u r.
ak u,
Ally Nickerson decos