
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Being Cybersmart

For the Summer Learning Journey we had to think of 5 rules of being cybersmart.


As part as the Summer Learning Journey we have to make a protest of something and I chose plastic.

Everywhere I look I see plastic and rubbish.
I try to make my lunch box a plastic/rubbish free one but it can be hard I have narrowed it down to 3
things that have plastic around it and they are glad wrap from my raspberry bun, my sandwich bag
from my popcorn and the muffin wrap from my muffin.
I cringe when I see plastic, I can not eat when I see plastic, I see those rivers there is so much plastic
in them but not just in the rivers but in the lakes, streams, ocean, the sand on the beach, gardens and
many other places.
I can not be the only one to stop having plastic everywhere, I need your help!
So please if you could just put a sandwich in a container instead of glad wrap or pick up that little bit
rubbish on the side of the river  that could cost a fish’s life and help this beautiful land of Aotearoa.

If I Was Principal For A Week

Another activity from the Summer learning Journey is what you would if you were principal for a week.

What Was This Video About

For the part in the Summer Learning Journey we had to say what this video was about, and I have done exactly that.

I Am In The Picture

We tried something new today.
What we had to do is go onto Unsplash Images, we then selected an image, mine was the beach.
We then took a photo of ourselves. Then we downloaded it onto a site called  cancels the background and only allows you (most of the time).
We then downloaded that image and planted the background  onto a google drawing and done.
You can try this now and see what yours turns out to be.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 Interviews

For the part in the Summer Learning Journey I had to interview 3 people on what they are proud of.

Gender Pay Gap

For this activity we have to say our ideas on the gender pay gap because at the moment the men are getting paid more in sports than women.
Here are my ideas.

Women should get the same amount of money as the men no excuses!
Women work just as hard as men and in the women's league are just as good as what the men are so it should not mean that men get paid more.
We should change this straight as soon as possible no buts, no ifs, no whats it needs to change.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Dad

For another activity for the Summer Learning Journey we had to do 4 simile sentences I decided to base them on my Dad.
Here is the image source link as you can not click on it as it is a screenshot.
Image Source

Kieran Read!!!

Kieran Read was training outside our class on the field.
Kieran read used to be the captain of the All Blacks (The New Zealand rugby union team)
So what we did was one person in our class asked him if we could run with him he said "Yes"!
So we ran over all of us we did his training.
Room 15 and Room 16 followed us.
We did a couple of sprints then we warmed down.
After we had warmed down we had a photo with him then we all high fived him it was awesome!
Kieran Read is so kind because he did not have to say yes but he did.
I actually did not realize how tall he is because on TV he look quit short.
Here are some photos and a video down the bottom.

 Us running with Kieran Read.

 Us running with Kieran Read.

 All three classes having a photo with Kieran Read

Mrs Wing and Miss McCombie taking a selfie with Kieran Read.

My Pepeha

Another activity for the Summer Learning Journey teaser week.
This is my pepeha/mihi I used a template then drew my own Kauru's to make it look a bit more interesting.
Please click the volume button as it is a voice over on what it says if you can not pronounce it.


This week is teaser week for the Summer Learning Journey which means we are just getting a tester for it.
The Summer learning Journey is for Manaiakalani Schools, and over the holidays we get challengers and activities we we do so that our learning sky rockets and the more activities you do the more chance of prizes.
So for this one we had to display an informational report on Lorde.
Here is the link for Royals the song as it does not work when I screenshot it.
Royals - Lorde
Here is the link for the image source.
Image Source

Monday, December 2, 2019

Building Vocabulary

For the past 2-3 weeks for spelling we have been working on a slideshow using our 'Our Words'.
Hopefully if you press on the links it says the dictionary definiton.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Acrostic Poem

For chapter chat I chose to do an acrostic poem of Jason Reynolds, I found this quite hard.

The Acrostic Poem of Jason Reynolds

Jason born in Washington D.C.

Any gender can read

Series called the track team

Oh, you will love his books

New York Times said bestselling author

Read his books, you love them

Everyone will love his books

You can not run away from who you are, but what you can do is run
   toward the person who you want to be

No more excuses, read the book Ghost

Oh, the price of the book is worth it

Lots of books published though not as many as Roald Dahl

Dreadlocks, that is what he has in his hair

Some of the books he has published have been Ghost, Sunny, Lou, Patina  
  and When I Was The Greatest

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Underground Soldiers

Here is my reading contract for the week, I have done all 14 and have extend myself by doing stuff like...
2 sentence for the too,two and to instead of 1, heaps of syllable words instead of 1 per question, doing more true or false questions instead of doing 5, using all the words to put in alphabetical order instead of ten.

Underground Soldiers

Did I Understand

What challenges were involved in training the Tunneling 
Company and why?
The challenges were if the tunnel closed in our the other side’s explosives were released because if the
tunnel caved in you might be short on air and it will  be mean you just wasted a whole lot of work and for
the other side’s explosives going off- you might die

What was counter mining and why was it important?
Counter mining is where you try  dig as fast as you can and place explosives before the other side does it
to you

Who discovered the mines and what evidence was there that 
New Zealanders were involved in building them?
Off-duty New Zealand officers found the mines, it says in the text the New Zealanders were working
secretly alongside the British

Why might a New Zealander want to visit Arras today?
To show respect of the people who died and maybe place flowers and maybe just to visit for a bit of history

If This Is The Answer

Write a question to match your answer

What was the Arras ground mostly of?

Carbon Monoxide
Name a poisonous gas that can kill?

Two tiny discs that could be able to hear the enemies trace an sound- what is it called?

Too, Two And To

Create at least 1 sentence using the words too, two and to.

Can I have chocolate ice cream too, please?
I went to go to Wellington too.

Can I have two Pieces of fish, please?
This is week two.

I would love to go to Auckland.
Can I go to Australia with my Mum.

Digging Deep

Imagine you are an underground soldier during
the war. Write a diary entry to explain the events of the
story and your feelings about them.

Hi diary,
Another hard day in the tunnels especially when i am claustrophobic, it is a big fear to face. I am missing
Michelle (My beautiful wife) and our 3 children peter, Grace and Micheal. Though it will not be long
because before I see them because some off - duty New Zealand officers found out that below the city of
Arras is sandstone which is super easy to dig with, so we are going to build a big tunnel to transport people underground when they get hurt or just to do things then we are going to set explosives..
Then bam, Germany loses a lot of people and the war ends and I get to come home! Yay!
I am thinking of writing a letter to them after I write this diary entry.
Bye for now,

Listen Up

Create at least 5 true or false question.

The enemies were Belgium?

The miners dug 30 metres below the surface?

One of the New Zealand tunnels was called Rotorua?

One of the New Zealand tunnels was called Christchurch?

The geophone was very useful?

One the war ended the New Zealanders came straight back to see the families and never went back?

Schoolgirls found the old tunnels?

In the tunnels a message said hello Germany?

The Germans built the Havrincourt Bridge?

Facts And Opinions

Write facts and opinions based on the article

The men who volunteered for the new Zealand Tunneling Company were mostly labourers
The tunnelers kept constant track of the enemy 
Nearly 4,000 soldiers were killed in the Battle of Arras 
British and Canadian once rested in the tunnels that the schoolboys rediscovered
In December 1915 more than 4 hundred left for the Western Front
In March 1916 the tunnelers arrived
By April 1917 the underground city was finished
The British and Canadian troops  moved in a 5:30am
New Zealand tunnels were bigger

I think the soldiers must of missed their families
I think the soldiers were scared
The schoolboys must of been curious when finding the message
Once the schoolboys found the tunnels and then realized what they were for then they must of felt proud
The explosions would properly hurt everyone's ears from the noise
All soldiers I think had perseverance

Exploring Language

What do these words mean?

Inevitable - A situation that is unable to be avoided

Distinguish - Recognize or treat as different

Distinctive - To be shown vividly and clearly

I Can Spell

Tunn - ell - ing

Lab - our - ers

Sold - i - ers

Write On 

Create a list of all the proper nouns

First World War
New Zealand
New Zealand Tunneling Company
Western Front
New Zealanders
Pioneer Batlon
Easter Monday
Havrincourt Bridge

All In Order

Select at least 10 of your proper nouns and put them in order.

Easter Monday
First World War
Havrincourt Bridge
New Zealand
New Zealanders
New Zealand Tunneling Company
Western Front

Be Creative

Design a tunnelling caving system that the soldiers might of used.

Syllable Search

Find some 2 syllable words
Schoolboys, stumbled, tunnel, almost, Britain, Zealand, army, during, soldiers, 
Auckland, German, Northern, Belgium, killing

Find some 3 syllable words
Underneath, underground, Canada, company, tunnelling, volunteered, Zealanders, 

Find some 4 syllable words
Accidentally, authority, military

Scavenger Hunt

Use the pictures to answer the questions.

Find Christchurch
Page 35 - bottom left

Find No-man's land
Page 35 - bottom right

Find the Havrincourt Bridge
Page 37

Make up 2 more.

Find the diagram of the tunnel
Page 33

Find the battle of the Arras
Page 36

Self Assessment

What did I do well?
The syllable search because I did more than 1 word

Which activity challenged me the most?
All in order, because I pushed myself and used all the words to put htem in order instead of just 10

What did I do about it?
I kept at it and highlighted the ones that I had already put in order

Which activity was the easiest for me?
The diary entry because it was easy just writing

How can I extend myself next time?
Making 3 different diary entries